Watch what happens in the heart of solar flares


Watch what happens in the heart of solar flares

Deployment of a team of scientists solar physics in the journal "Physics of nature" Nature Physics in its issue dated July 14, 2013 the current results of their research that they conducted at the sun through the astronomical observatories Solar, which reached where to see what exactly happens inside the solar flares, which can not be seen directly from the earth.

Scientific team in this study produced a documentary illustrates what happens inside the solar flares exactly like we see scientific directly, This process is called "re-contact magnetic" magnetic reconnection, a process that meets magnetic field lines together and then disintegrate again and share with each spoke a result, vibrations magnetic energy , which results in solar projectiles composed of different radiation and charged particles into space toward the planets and the members of the solar system.

Seeks scientists through this study to understand what is happening inside these solar flares better, and then invent "early warning" so that they can meet these activities, solar and that can directly affect the planet and especially communications and spacecraft, where that one of the difficulties faced by Scientists are not possible to watch the process of "re-magnetic contact" directly because the magnetic fields hidden and can not be viewed solar observatories, astronomers then used the data in this study were obtained and computer-processed to try to understand what's going on inside the solar flares exactly.

The world of solar physics, "Yang Shu" Yang Su of the University of Graz "Austrian University of Graz said the science team is trying to understand how the breed reconnect magnetic" flares solar "flares and although there are many clues but the picture is still not clear as required.

Currently "Shu" is a new piece of visual evidence, through researchers who Adavo the information "solar dynamics observatory" Solar Dynamics Observatory, where he saw Shaw with his colleagues what is happening inside the exact solar flares, where the magnetic lines are hidden in the original, which is about charged particles high-energy called "plasma" plasma and the possibility of scientists Show plasma solar through Mrsdhm that appear when the arch lines gleaming in the sun's atmosphere that arise from magnetic fields, noted "Shu" two lines of magnetic fields meet and then inseparable where Enqzv single lines into space while approaching the other side of the sun.

To understand the scientists more complex things in the air solar and solar flares, the Group adopted the scientific vehicle for monitoring the sun American "photographer Reuven Ramati Solar high" Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, which revealed the existence of pockets of very warm Article solar down and the highest point reconnect, the scientists say that the bottom surface of the sun flowing charged particles "plasma" toward the surface appears as a result the flow of plasma toward the surface loops of magnetic and start areas polarity magnetic solar positive approach the polarity negative, moving episodes arc between the poles Amonatisien, while continuing to Article solar flow toward the surface , slide the magnetic poles on top of each other just like moving the geological layers ground on top of each during earthquakes, and because Article solar gaseous and not solid as the earth produces arcs magnetic wraps around itself at high speed, and then mixed with magnetic fields arc with each are issued by high energy and radiant strong The tremendous energy into space billions of tons of matter and energy.

Says "Shu" It's the first time that watching where physicists solar this process of physical natural, and seeks scientists to learn more information about re-contact magnetic is not because it occurs in the sun, but because it is a physical process cosmic occur near the ground and within her field magnetic, and in the stars also, especially as it does not see the process in the sun and stars.

To learn more about the secrets of this process of physical natural urbanization and the U.S. space agency "NASA" to launch a probe called "multi-measurement layered magnetic" (Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS at the end of 2014, next to God, which is composed of four sensors satellite can study the process of re-magnetic contact and its impact on the ground.
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