Series telescopes reveal the secrets of black holes


Major galaxies centered on what is known as black holes "super block". This is a giant cosmic monsters, as it weighs the largest known black holes, and in fact in the galaxy "or J. 287", the equivalent weight of 18 billion sun. Astronomers have discovered, through their study of fast-moving star at the center of our galaxy, that even the Milky Way galaxy that looks peaceful, comprising a black hole dramatically called "Ssagytarius the A".

Major galaxies centered on what is known as black holes "super block". This is a giant cosmic monsters, as it weighs the largest known black holes, and in fact in the galaxy "or J. 287", the equivalent weight of 18 billion sun. Astronomers have discovered, through their study of fast-moving star at the center of our galaxy, that even the Milky Way galaxy that looks peaceful, comprising a black hole dramatically called "Ssagytarius the A".

According to the magazine "Focus" specialized scientific, in a report published recently, the study of this hole in detail you'll need to string radio telescopes known as "Aevent Horizon Telescope," which will extend eventually from Hawaii, California, Arizona, Mexico and Chile to France, Spain and Antarctica.

The biggest challenge lies in the size of the black hole, or rather the lack of size. He says graying Dwylman, from the observatory "Haystack" of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "You're just thinking in the filming of a black hole, you need to devise a way to get on the accuracy of exceptional angle, because black holes are very compressed."

The solution is to connect a network of radio telescopes, using a technique known overlap scale, over long distances to form a tremendous reception dish. However, portrayed the central black hole high mass would require special technology. He says Dwylman: "technology can (interferometer with a baseline very long) to reach that level of precision. And we know that we can use this technique to monitor the black hole is near the event horizon, where the reflected influences unique Caused by gravity strong."

Double feature

And provide radio waves double advantage, when it comes to finding black holes. As they penetrate the dust that obscures the light emitted from the busy central areas galaxies. In contrast to the light, it can collect the radiation that you receive radio telescopes separated by continents.

He says Dr. Tom Maxlo, from the center of "jordil
Bank" for Astrophysics: "Because radio waves are much longer than the wavelengths of visible light, the production of images comparable in accuracy Photos Space Telescope (Hubble), which has a view mirror 2.5 meters, requires arrays separating each of them more than 200 kilometers. comparison, the aperture of the telescope (Horizon Aevent) will bring 11,000 kilometers, which would make it more accurate than the telescope (Hubble) two thousand weakness. "

Using shorter wavelengths, about one millimeter, the telescope reveals the "Horizon Aevent" about the smallest details, making it the first telescope has the ability to monitor the black hole. But it's not just about linking telescopes, The Dwylman says: "The greatest achievement so far is the ability to harness the rapidly evolving industry trends that allow us to process Seoul of data."

While most radio telescopes pick up certain wavelengths, this dispels the most outgoing radiation from space. But telescopes "Horizon Aevent the telescope" using modern technology captures a wider range of wavelengths, wider bandwidth. The Dwylman shows, saying: "Using modern integrated circuits, we can bandwidth of between 8 and 16 times compared to what was used just five years ago."

Rapid growth

The project grows "Horizon Aevent the telescope" quickly, as the Brits about to contribute to it through "an array of great the Atacama Alumblymitri Observatory", or what is known as short as "Alma", which includes 66 reception dish, and is currently being built as an international effort in Chile.

He says Maxlo enthusiastic: "being developed plans that will allow astronomers to collect antennas (Alma) of the length of each of them 12 meters, installed on a plateau (Chajnantor) Chile at an altitude of 5100 meters, to become bowl single receiver with a width of 84 meters. And it would that provides the most sensitive telescope in the world. " And about the expected date for the team to start "Horizon Aevent the telescope" in control "Ssagytarius a", says Dwylman the it would be in the period between 2015 and 2016.

He adds: "This is particularly important now because the cloud of gas and dust equivalent to mass three times the mass of the Earth will collide (b Ssagytarius a) starting from this year. Should the cloud, which is called (G-2), to produce what looks like fireworks spectacular In the center of the galaxy, which would array (Horizon Aevent the telescope) to be able to be monitored. This represents an exceptional opportunity to see the black hole digested overeat. "

A real step

Project raised "Horizon Aevent the telescope" Hamas scientists others. He says the British astronomer Martin Rees, the pioneer in research on black holes: "The project represents a real step forward to solve the problem of the size of the black hole." He looked forward to the study of extreme gravitational fields better. These can include fields, someday, the galaxy "or 31", or "Andromeda", which includes the black hole outperform the mass of the sun, including more than 100 million times. Scientists hope not to be a long time before they can dive into the heart of the most mysterious of these entities at all.
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